
The fishermen in Finland

Representatives of the Fisheries Local Action Group with fishermen and representatives of the local government held a study visit to Finland in the period 25-29.06.2012.

Study visit to the area of Fisheries Local Action Group North and Eastern Lapland has enabled the exchange of knowledge on how to encourage environmentally friendly behavior and dissemination of good practice in the area of ​​environmental protection. It enabled a better understanding of both FLAG's and identify directions for their future cooperation.

Wizyta przedstawicieli LGR ZZ w Finlandii/Visit of the FLAG representatives in Finland

Wizyta przedstawicieli LGR ZZ w Finlandii/Visit of the FLAG representatives in Finland

Wizyta przedstawicieli LGR ZZ w Finlandii/Visit of the FLAG representatives in Finland

Wizyta przedstawicieli LGR ZZ w Finlandii/Visit of the FLAG representatives in Finland

Wizyta przedstawicieli LGR ZZ w Finlandii/Visit of the FLAG representatives in Finland

Merry Christmas !!!

Posted: 19.12.2011, 16.30 hrs

On behalf of the Zegrzyński Lake Local Fisheries Group we wish everyone the best of luck

The winner of the ZL FLAG logotype contest awarded

Posted: 19.12.201, 12.50 hrs

Mr. Konrad Wagrowski has collected a prize for winning the contest on the Zegrzyński Lake FLAG logotype. The prize being a 23-inch LED monitor has been handed in to the winner by the President of the FLAG Board, Mr.Edward Trojanowski.

We congratulate Mr. Wagrowski and we hope that the prize will help to create new, equally successful works.


Zegrzynski Lake Partnership Local Action Group recommended as best practice to Ukrainian Government delegation

Posted: 12.12.2011, 09.00 hrs

A delegation consisting of representatives of the European Commission and the Ukrainian Government visited Poland on 6 - 8 December. They were hosted by Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The visit was related to Polish experiences in introduction of LEADER method within the Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development had asked the Zegrzynski Lake Partnership Local Action Group and Zegrzynski Lake Fishery Local Action Group to present the LEADER method and the functioning of the two Action Groups. The visitors included high rank representatives of the European Commission including DG Agriculture Deputy Director General Mr. Jerzy Plewa, the Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine Mr. Mykola Prisyazhnyuk and his five co-workers and three employees of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The president of the two Local Action Groups, Mr. Edward Trojanowski, presented the concept and the implementation of the LEADER initiative in Europe and in Poland. He also familiarized the visitors with the content and implomentation of two Local Development Strategies for the Zegrzynski Lake area. The presentation included also examples of some of over 100 projects selected for co-financing by the Zegrzyński Lake Partnership LAG.
Later on the delegation visited a veterinary clinic in the village of Lajski, owned by Mr. Miroslaw Kado. The clinic received financial support from the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 funds for a purchase of medical equipment and an animal transportation vehicle.
As the Ukraine is interested in joining the European Union, Minister Mykola Prisyazhnyuk asked President Edward Trojanowski for help to present and promote the LEADER in Ukraine.

Presentation on the LEADER programme – LAG President Edward Trojanowski [first on the right] and Minister Mykola Prisyazhnyuk [fourth on the right]

Presentation on the LEADER programme

Visit to a veterinary clinic - Minister Mykola Prisyazhnyuk [first on the right], LAG President Edward Trojanowski [first on the left] owner of the clinic Miroslaw Kado [third on the left]

Visit to a veterinary clinic – European Commission representative Jerzy Plewa [first on the right], Minister Mykola Prisyazhnyuk [second on the right], clinic owner Miroslaw Kado [fourth on the right], LAG President Edward Trojanowski [fourth on the left]

Training within the Fishery Operational Programme

Posted: 26.10.2011, 14.20 hrs

Training sessions for the management structure and potential beneficiaries of the Zegrzyński Lake Fishery Local Action Group, representing the public sector, took place on 24-25 October 2011.

They were delivered by Mr. Adam Futymski – a local development expert representing the „7 ryb” FLAG, based in Wagrowiec in Wielkopolskie Province. Mr. Futymski presented the assumptions of the „Sustainable Development of Fishery and Coastal Fishery Areas 2007-2013” Operational Programme (Fishery OP). The expert introduced also the trainees to the technique of application for financing in the framework of the Fishery OP, Axis 4 and presented the „7 ryb”FLAG experience related to evaluation and selection of applications.

We hope that the knowledge transferred at the training sessions will result in multitude of submitted applications contributing to development of local communities.

General Assembly of the Zegrzyński Lake Fishery Action Group

Posted: 26.10.2011, 14.10 hrs

According to §22 clause 4 of the Zegrzyński Lake Fishery Local Action Group statute, the Management Board at the meeting on 24 October 2011 decided to call a General Assembly, which will be held on 14 November 2011 at 13.00 hours in the auditorium of the Legionowski County presmises.

We kindly invite all members of the Zegrzyński Lake FLAG to take part in the Assembly. The agenda of the Assembly will be as in the attached documents.

"Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne i Inwestycyjne, Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie". Strona internetowa Lokalnej Grupy Działania Zalew Zegrzyński współfinansowana jest ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach poddziałania "Wsparcie na rzecz kosztów bieżących i aktywizacji" w ramach działania "Wsparcie dla rozwoju lokalnego w ramach inicjatywy LEADER" objętego Programem Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020. Instytucja Zarządzająca Programem Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich na lata 2014-2020: Minister Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi. Instytucja Zarządzająca Programem Operacyjnym "Rybactwo i Morze" - Minister Gospodarki Morskiej i Żeglugi Śródlądowej. Strona internetowa opracowana przez Lokalną Grupę Działania Zalew Zegrzyński.

Lokalna Grupa Działania Zalew Zegrzyński
ul. gen. Wł. Sikorskiego 11, lok. 413
05-119 Legionowo
KRS 0000349416

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